Helen Macdonald and Irish musician Sin Blaché sell a lockdown collab to Grove, Putnam buys a book on family abuse from Eamon Dolan, and more.
The Roots of Chaos title is scheduled for February 2023, and the other novel, which Bloomsbury said is about “sisterhood, grief, and the bonds between women in the face of adversity,” is set for 2026. In the first book under contract, Desperation Reef, the agency said, “a big-wave surf star and her two sons confront murderous pirates off the coast while they train to compete in the same dangerous surfing contest that took her husband’s life.” The second novel under contract is currently untitled. Jamil Zaki sold North American rights to The Hopeful Skeptic to Colin Dickerman at Grand Central. The Wealth Lie by Sahil Bloom was acquired by Ballantine’s Mary Reynics in a North American rights agreement. The Power of Parting is slated for 2025. Putnam’s Michelle Howry bought The Power of Parting by Eamon Dolan at auction.