
2023 - 1 - 26

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Image courtesy of "The Thomas B. Fordham Institute"

Getting ready for future employment opportunity: Evidence from ... (The Thomas B. Fordham Institute)

In brief, the research team finds that the seven-county Pittsburgh metro area is decently positioned to capitalize on the anticipated growth of science- and ...

For community leaders working on these types of efforts, this report offers an important grounding in where to start. [longitudinal data system](https://www.education.pa.gov/DataAndReporting/PIMS/Pages/default.aspx) collects only limited information on postsecondary education, does not connect to workforce data, and is difficult to access for both researchers and practitioners. It is also separated from important data collected on outcomes for participants in programs on Pennsylvania’s [Eligible Training Provider List](https://www.pacareerlink.pa.gov/jponline/Common/LandingPage/Provider). Pittsburgh, of course, isn’t the only region struggling to align employer needs with workers’ skills. For the most part, these are state-centered data systems—one entity with a lot of pull; there are Additionally, a large proportion of Pittsburgh’s STF workers are in the health sector, which requires somewhat different skills than what analysts term “technician and production-related” industries, where the most job and wage growth is expected to occur. Some of these changes are easier than others to implement. The first barrier appears to be a legacy of Pittsburgh’s manufacturing past. Suggestions include boosting wages in STF fields, investing in civic amenities and affordable housing (a fairly easy lift for Pittsburgh since its cost of living is relatively low already), and “addressing the racial disparities in public-facing systems (such as health care and lending) to demonstrate the region’s commitment to equity.” Analysts recommend that colleges and career training academies in the region—described as having plenty of potential to train the next generation—create scholarship programs for students and especially for learners of color. Interestingly, remote learning is highly valued by the analysts, even if remote working is seen as less likely in the future. Public information campaigns run by regional authorities explaining and extoling the jobs and their potential benefits could also be part of the solution. Many would like to see technology-focused industries lead such a resurgence, but do they have enough qualified workers?

Determine the province of employment (POE) - Canada.ca (Canada.ca)

When you pay employment income such as salaries, wages, or commissions, you have to determine your employee's province or territory of employment so you can ...

b) An employee who lives in one province or territory but reports to your place of business in another might have too much tax deducted. The employee does not have to pay CPP contributions, but may have to pay Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions. In this case, use the Your employee works from a home office in Alberta, but occasionally has to report to your Alberta office. In these examples, the employee’s province or territory of employment would be the one in which the field office or shopping mall is located. This depends on whether your employee physically reports for work at your establishment or "place of business".

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Image courtesy of "CEPS"

The RRF role in strengthening active labour market policies and ... (CEPS)

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) dedicates a pillar to social and territorial cohesion. This includes reforms and investments that contribute to ...

This study analyses the measures addressing Pillar 4 (social and territorial cohesion) of the RRF. The study zooms in on the reforms and investments included in the RRF plans of three EU Member States (Italy, Spain and Croatia) and assesses their relevance, effectiveness and coherence. Activation policies and efficient public employment services (PES) are two key measures to achieve these objectives.

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Image courtesy of "The Solidarity Center"

Solidarity Center - 'TELEWORK IS NOT A SEPARATE FORM OF ... (The Solidarity Center)

Only a worker rights-based approach can ensure that Europe's growing numbers of teleworkers can fully exercise their fundamental labor rights—including to…

The ILAW Network’s [Future of Labor Law Wiki ](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=f8088f21dd&e=cb5cfecf93)also contains model [legislative language](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=ae785b8838&e=cb5cfecf93) and analysis of how to regulate telework. [webinar](https://vimeo.com/791316411/e9fde55602), centered on three new ILAW reports, surveyed the regulatory environment impacting teleworkers in [Moldova](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=28734a2304&e=cb5cfecf93), [Poland](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=1a003e9a34&e=cb5cfecf93) and [Ukraine](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=3e3eff0d29&e=cb5cfecf93). The International Labor Organization (ILO) [estimates](https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/non-standard-employment/WCMS_743755/lang--en/index.htm) that approximately one in six jobs at the global level, and just over one in four jobs in advanced countries, could be done at home, including telework. Research on telework in Mauritius and South Africa is forthcoming this year. [Europe](https://www.ft.com/content/81d6bc21-b010-4861-912c-db5ffa999c50), the war in Ukraine—the share of the employed population working from home has [increased](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbeshumanresourcescouncil/2022/12/01/the-future-of-work-is-global-remote-leaders-should-embrace-this-shift-not-fear-it/?sh=689af5d37d37) exponentially. [ILAW](https://www.ilawnetwork.com/) research series on telework and worker rights, which includes a [regional report](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=1a05098d91&e=cb5cfecf93) on telework in the Americas, along with ten [national reports](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=59fe116070&e=cb5cfecf93) on Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Uruguay, released in 2022. [Ukraine](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=3e3eff0d29&e=cb5cfecf93), to implement and enforce regulations in conformity with the best European and world legislative practices on telework and remote work—including fully incorporating the principle of voluntariness in remote and home-based work, adequately addressing discrimination and health and safety risks, and protecting workers’ right to privacy. [Moldova](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=28734a2304&e=cb5cfecf93), to bring national regulations on remote work into line with the [European Union Framework Agreement on Telework](https://global-workplace-law-and-policy.kluwerlawonline.com/2022/07/18/20-years-framework-agreement-on-telework-looking-back-to-move-forward/#:~:text=The%20Framework%20Agreement%20on%20Telework,can%20lead%20to%20contractual%20agreements.), ensure that telework is voluntary and reversible, and that teleworkers be adequately protected by effectively enforced health and safety regulations. And, [say unions,](https://www.industriall-union.org/report-why-telework-needs-institutional-regulation-and-collective-bargaining) without proactive measures teleworkers will likely have fewer opportunities to participate in union activities and develop the sense of solidarity that builds and supports collective power. [Poland](https://solidaritycenter.us8.list-manage.com/track/click?u=71b3cc3f5b604fdeba1a795aa&id=1a003e9a34&e=cb5cfecf93), to prevent the misuse of civil law contracts to deny teleworkers their rights under law, adopt clearer health and safety protections that balance the employer obligation to ensure worker safety with the privacy rights of workers, adopt provisions to address overtime work and ensure the right to disconnect, and institute mechanisms to tackle the systemic discrimination, violence and harassment often directed at remote workers. - In [teleworkers](https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---travail/documents/instructionalmaterial/wcms_751232.pdf) can fully exercise their fundamental labor rights—including to [decent work](https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/decent-work/lang--en/index.htm), which includes safe working conditions—said International Lawyers Assisting Workers Network ( [ILAW](https://www.ilawnetwork.com/)) members Mihail Cebotari, Inna Kudinska, George Sandul and ILAW Europe and Central Asia Regional Coordinator Tamar Gabisonia during the [launch](https://vimeo.com/791316411/e9fde55602) of three new ILAW telework reports last week.

Medina Finance Committee passes request for Equal Employment ... (The Gazette)

Medina's Finance Committee unanimously passed a request regarding the creation of the city's Equal Opportunity Policy on Monday, protecting employees and ...

Skills Commission to help boost employment skills and economy ... (Warrington Borough Council)

Work is under way on a new strategic review of employment skills in Warrington, to help secure the economic success of the borough for decades to come.

Many of the jobs that our primary school children today will eventually take up do not currently exist, and we need to respond to that. However, it’s vital that we build on this and continue to look to the future. “However, it’s vital we look to the future.

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Image courtesy of "philenews.com"

Proposal for higher ceiling of employment of foreigners from third ... (philenews.com)

The proposed new policy is within efforts to address, amongst other, the problem of the Republic's labour shortage, Philenews reports. Right now, to get a legal ...

Right now, to get a legal job in Cyprus foreigners from third countries have to find an employer and sign a contract of employment beforehand. Today, the ceiling on employment of foreigners from third countries in Cyprus is up to 30% under certain conditions. The Ministry of Labour’s proposed revision of the policy on employment of foreigners provides that up to 50% of a company’s employees can be from third countries.

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