The award-winning Salvadoran author and poet just finnished his trilogy of fantastic literature.
When I moved to a big city in Europe, I began to realize how important nature was to me, I had to miss it in order to value it," he said. (In 2021 was published the second: [The Fall of Porthos Embilea](", all with the Mexican publishing house Océano. [The Tornado Tamer"]( "There are still days of twilight, equinox, solstice, but we forget it because of the hustle and bustle of everyday life," he added. Galán explained to Casa América that Equinoccio is a reflection on the city based on the experience he had when he lived abroad. 'That award, very prestigious in Latin America, was a watershed in my literary career' acknowledged the author himself in a recent interview with the distinguished Spanish cultural institution.
The KLF has emerged as one of the leading literary platforms in India, attracting both experienced and young litterateurs will be running from February 24 ...
26 writers will receive the KLF Book Awards 2022 in various categories on the inaugural day of the festival The prestigious Kalinga Literary Award in literature will be conferred during the fest. In the backdrop of India’s G20 Presidency, the 2023 Kalinga Literary Festival (KLF) edition celebrates ‘India and the World’ by encouraging global and national discourses on a variety of literary subjects including lived experience, politics, art, film, business, media, and sports.
Kieran Goddard recommends books on how labor shapes, reshapes, and ultimately misshapes our inner emotional world.
A scathing satire on the hyperrationality of capitalism’s means and the ways in which they simultaneously occlude and justify any number of violent ends. Marly is a simple soul, he likes women and money, but after learning the art of double-entry bookkeeping (a two-sided method in which every entry requires a corresponding opposite entry to a different account), he decides to apply the methodology to his own life. This early novel of Cusk’s is a perfect satire of the ways people aim to change themselves simply by changing their profession. [Preparation for the Next Life](, The War For Gloria is a fierce reckoning with masculinity and loss. It is in the moments where Ogle blurs the boundaries between caring as a professional duty, regulated and remunerated, and caring as an impulsive human instinct that we see how truly promising a writer he is. O’Nan is particularly skilled at capturing the heaviness and monotony of service work, how often workers are treated poorly by both the corporate overlords they never see and the nightmare customers that they very much do. The novel uses a fragmented system of dual narration to explore both the deadening rhythms of contemporary office life and the tumbling, occluded recollections surrounding a sexual assault. [Hourglass](, although primarily a love story, tries to touch on contemporary labor in a way that acknowledges its continued centrality to the lives of most people. These are eight of the best: [The War for Gloria]( by Atticus Lish [Bad Girls]( by Camila Villada, translated by Kit Maude There is something dream-like in how we learn about Martin’s journey from fashionable flaneur to middle-aged office worker, trapped in a hamster wheel of commuting and solo dining in soulless restaurants. Lazily described by many reviewers as “experimental,” this does a disservice to the emotional clarity and intellectual directness of Watson’s debut.
The featured speaker was Libbie Shearn Moody Professor of Creative Writing and English Kiese Laymon — who was recently awarded a MacArthur Fellowship, also ...
[Kiese Laymon]( — [who was recently awarded a MacArthur Fellowship, also known as a “genius grant.”]( He discussed his book “ [Heavy: An American Memoir](,” which was published in 2018 and won a host of awards, including the 2019 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction. From his early experiences of sexual violence, to his suspension from college, to time in New York as a college professor, the work charts Laymon’s complex relationships with his mother, grandmother, anorexia, obesity, sex, writing and gambling. “Books That Shaped My Life,” which began during the pandemic and originally took place via Zoom, explores literature that challenges and expands our understanding of the human journey.
Whether you're a fan of a classic novel or a book fresh off the press, the perspective of women in literature and media is a timeless conversation.
DeKalb Public Library Join us in discussing female characters in different pieces of older and contemporary literature while enjoying beverages and light snacks, tea party style. Whether you’re a fan of a classic novel or a book fresh off the press, the perspective of women in literature and media is a timeless conversation.