Discover the romance, political intrigues, and hidden identities in this captivating series!
"Captivating the King" is a compelling historical romance and political K-drama that follows the story of a lonely prince and a noblewoman disguised as a male baduk player. The series delves into the intricate love story of Yi In, a king entangled in a web of royal and political power struggles, and Kang Hee-soo, a talented baduk player. Starring Jo Jung Suk, Shin Se Kyung, and Lee Shin Young, this series premiered over the weekend with Episode 1 showcasing Qing winning the war and taking Grand Prince Jin-han as a hostage. The plot thickens as friendships are formed, suspicions arise, and strong feelings come to light.
The series is a historical romance and political K-drama about a lonely prince and a noblewoman disguised as a male baduk player. In episode 2, Prince Lee In ...
This series delves into the intricate love story of Yi In, a king entangled in a web of royal and political power struggles, and Kang Hee-soo, a baduk player.
Captivating the King premiered over the weekend starring Jo Jung Suk, Shin Se Kyung, and Lee Shin Young in the lead roles. Here's what we think of it so ...
Captivating The King Episode 1 has Qing winning the war and taking Grand Prince Jin-han as hostage. He befriends Prince Rui but his motives are suspected ...
tvN's upcoming drama “Captivating the King” has unveiled new stills ahead of the premeire! Penned by “The Crowned Clown” writer Kim Sun Deok, ...
Unfolding the intricate love story between a king embroiled in royal politics and a baduk prodigy, the series is currently airing its first season, with Episode ...
Captivating the King is a new Korean drama on Netflix. Here's when new episodes are released on the streaming platform.