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Kristel Fulgar Diagnosed with Schwannoma: What You Need to Know

Health Check-ups - Kristel Fulgar - Medical Treatment - Schwannoma - Surgery - Tumor

Find out more about Schwannoma and its risks. #KristelFulgar #Health

Schwannoma is a type of tumor that develops from the Schwann cells, which are responsible for the production of the insulating myelin sheath around nerves. These tumors are usually noncancerous and slow-growing. However, depending on their size and location, they can cause symptoms such as pain, numbness, or weakness in the affected area. In Kristel Fulgar's case, the schwannoma had to be surgically removed to prevent further complications.

Schwannomas are generally considered benign, but in rare cases, they can become malignant. Malignant schwannomas are more aggressive and have the potential to spread to other parts of the body. Early detection and treatment are crucial in managing schwannomas to avoid complications. Regular monitoring through imaging tests like MRIs can help track the growth and development of these tumors.

It's essential to consult with healthcare professionals if you experience any symptoms that may indicate the presence of a schwannoma. Diagnosis usually involves a physical examination, imaging tests, and biopsy to confirm the nature of the tumor. Treatment options range from observation for small, asymptomatic tumors to surgery or radiation therapy for larger or symptomatic schwannomas.

In conclusion, while schwannomas are generally benign, prompt diagnosis and appropriate treatment are key in ensuring a positive outcome. By raising awareness and understanding the risks associated with schwannomas, individuals like Kristel Fulgar can inspire others to prioritize their health and seek medical attention when needed.

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Image courtesy of "PhilSTAR Life"

EXPLAINER: What is schwannoma? Is it dangerous? (PhilSTAR Life)

Kristel Fulgar recently revealed she was diagnosed with schwannoma, a rare tumor that had to be taken out through surgery.

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