Discover the intriguing origins of En Sabah Nur, the powerful mutant known as Apocalypse, in 'X-Men '97'!
En Sabah Nur, famously known as Apocalypse, is a formidable mutant character in the 'X-Men' universe, set to make a significant appearance in the upcoming season of 'X-Men '97'. Apocalypse is a supervillain with immense powers, including superhuman strength, telekinesis, and the ability to manipulate his molecular structure. In the series, season two promises a unique narrative by delving into both the ancient past and the distant future, providing a captivating backdrop for Apocalypse's story. As a mutant who has existed for thousands of years, En Sabah Nur is depicted as a symbol of power and destruction, serving as a formidable adversary to the X-Men.
Apocalypse's backstory is deeply intertwined with ancient Egyptian mythology, where he is revered as a god-like figure. En Sabah Nur's quest for dominance and belief in the concept of
It looks like season two of "X-Men '97" is going to be set in both the distant past and the far future.
X-Men '97 features the arrival of a character who will one day become the X-Men's most powerful enemy. Written by: Neeraj. Reviewed by: Divyashree.