The film is led by franchise newcomers Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Jodie Comer and Ralph Fiennes, who are seen throughout the creepy trailer fighting off zombies.
28 Days Later director Danny Boyle and screenwriter Alex Garland have finally reunited to make a sequel to their zombie (or, if you prefer, infected people) ...
Danny Boyle's '28 Years Later' just got its first trailer, and it appears to feature a zombified Cillian Murphy looming over Jodie Comer.
In the first trailer for the film, directed by Danny Boyle, a group of survivors come up against those rage virus-infected zombies, as well as some strange ...
The first trailer for Alex Garland and Danny Boyle's 28 Years Later, sequel to 28 Days Later, features Ralph Fiennes, Jodie Comer, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.
The first official trailer for '28 Years Later', starring Jodie Comer, Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Ralph Fiennes, has finally been shared.
The debut trailer for 28 Years Later is out in the wild, showing a first look at the continuation of Danny Boyle and Alex Garland's zombie apocalypse ...